
Fire Departments Emergency Notifications Agency Contacts

Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.

 If in doubt, call it in!


Albuquerque Fire Rescue: (505) 833-7300

Bernalillo County Fire Department Districts:

District 35: (505) 314-0090
11700 Paseo Del Norte NE Albuquerque (Lowell and Paseo area)

District 46: (505) 314-0100, (505) 281-5510
25 Frost Road, Sandia Park

District 40: (505) 314-0140, (505) 281-1032
48 Public School Road, Tijeras (McGrane Safety Center)

District 41: (505) 314-0150, (505) 281-2416
10838 NM 337, Tijeras (South 14 – Morning Star Grocery area)

District 43: (505) 314-0160
4 Dressage Drive, Tijeras (Sedillo Hill area)

Village of Tijeras Fire Department:  (505) 281-3511

Sandoval County Fire Department:  (505) 867-0245, (505) 867-6256

La Madera Volunteer Fire Department: (505) 281-1806, (505) 286-5468
826 Faith Drive (La Madera/San Pedro Creek Estates area)

Santa Fe County Fire Department:  (505) 992-3070

Torrance County Fire Department:  (505) 384-2705 or (505) 384-9631

Sign up now to receive emergency alerts on your landline telephone or mobile phone.  The four counties in the East Mountain area use several different systems as shown in the links below.  Familiarize yourself now with your county’s specific system to prepare yourself for possible wildfire evacuation and other local emergencies. 

Specific to Bernalillo County, the Citizen Address Response Enhancement (CARE) program provides special instructions to the 911 operator, any special needs connected to your location that emergency responders will need to know.  English sign-up; Spanish sign-up (CARE forma, español)


  • Bernalillo County, District 5; Commissioner Eric Olivas, (505)-468-7212
  • Bernalillo County Open Burning Advisory Hotline:  (505)-768-4200
  • Bernalillo County Fire Prevention Bureau:  (505)-468-1340; 7:00-3:30 Monday-Friday
  • Bernalillo County Sheriff responsibilities
  • Sandoval County, La Madera VFD:  Joe Gober, Chief; (505)-220-9794